Monday, September 23, 2013

UF Intro to Multimedia Communications Instagram Challenge

Here's a fun way to earn up to 5 bonus points to your grade!

For 5 days, beginning on Tuesday, September 24, when you upload a photo to Instagram, you will earn 1 point. You can participate every day, or skip days.

In order to get your bonus point(s), you must do the following:
  • Upload a photo on Instagram based on the day's theme
  • Use a caption
  • Use tags as listed below and add any others you want that are appropriate
  • Make sure photos are appropriate since we are tagging as part of the UF program!
  • Feel free to share your photo to your other social networks if you would like (not required)
  • Visit the discussion board in e-learning labeled Instagram Challenge. Create 1 post for yourself and let me know what days you participated in and provide your Instagram URL link.
Tuesday: Black & White
Use a caption and Tag photos with #UFSocial #blackandwhite #challenge

Wednesday: Love
Use a caption and Tag photos with #UFSocial #Love #challenge

Thursday: Pink 
This particular day's themed photo strikes close to home. One of my high school classmate's father, Bob Levinson, is being held hostage in Iran. This Thursday, September 26th, is Pink Shirt Thursday to support the cause to bring him home.
Use a caption and Tag photos with #UFSocial #PinkShirtThursday #HelpBobLevinson

Friday: TGIF
Use a caption and Tag photos with #UFSocial #TGIF #challenge

Saturday: Gator-related 
Use a caption and Tag photos with #UFSocial #gators #challenge

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