Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Week 8: Proximity channels and industry-specific social networking sites

Proximity Marketing Channels: bringing deals to you as well
as powerful word-of-mouth reviews.
This week we talked about both proximity channels and industry-specific social networking sites.

I encourage you to read the discussion boards and see how your classmates have utilized various proximity marketing channels both personally as well as for some ideas on how you can incorporate these channels into your own businesses. Due to the time constraints for this accelerated course, I would have loved to dive deeper into mobile communications, but I think you got a good taste of it through proximity marketing channels.

The assignment to review industry-specific social networking sites was very interesting, and I learned about a lot of new ones I had never heard of. That's why I am listing some of your classmates' blogs below for you to also review. I see some new faves I may be bookmarking later on.

Check out these blogs to learn more about a variety of industry-related social sites:
We are into Week 9 as we talk about planning! Social media, emails, and website content don't just magically appear. The best companies have a strategy behind every touchpoint, and that means having an integrated plan for all channels. I look forward to your discussions on the resources you would use to begin to plan your posts, and then actually showcasing a hypothetical plan for Disney's Animal Kingdom in the Week 9 assignment.

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